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Lovage is a perennial herb that tastes like celery. Use it in soups, salads and anywhere you want celery flavor. Low maintenance; full to part sun. Leaves, stalks, seeds and root are edible. Grows up to 6-feet tall, so is great as a backdrop herb in your garden.

Starter plant.


    • Perennial: Culinary herb. Hardy to Zone 3. Low maintenance.
    • Sun: Full sun to part shade.
    • Soil: Moist with good drainage.
    • Blooms: Yellow umbels mid-summer, edible seeds.
    • Height: up to 6+ feet tall; may prune back to encourage new tender growth.
    • Uses: Tastes like celery; use in salads, soups, sauces, main dishes. All parts are edible: leaves, stalk, seeds, root.
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