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About Six Sons Farm

Six Sons Farm family

Three his, three hers—all ours.

"Do you really have SIX sons?" customers often ask, in a curious yet sympathetic tone. The answer is a smiling yes, in a blended family way. And we couldn't be happier. 


We're Dale Gasser and Judy Fossen. Married to each other—and to the land of Dale's 4th-generation family farm in the hills of rural Sauk City, Wisconsin.


Dale grew up working dairy cows, hogs and field crops. Then spent decades burning the candle at both ends, by working a full-time off-farm career in water conservation in addition to farming. Now retired, he's thrilled to be able to spend more time where his heart is—here on the farm.


Judy grew up on a semi-retired Century Farm in the Town of Dunn, south of Madison. After 20-plus years as a freelance marketing copywriter (Lumen Communications), she has also expanded her gardening fervor and launched our small farm foods business, Six Sons Farm.


Both of us love being outdoors, eating hearty homegrown food, and cheering on any team from our alma mater, UW-Madison. We met later in life, in 2013, but it was clear from the beginning that we made a great team. Six Sons Farm—three his, three hers, all ours.

Learn about how we farm, the regenerative agriculture practices we use, and how we’re preserving and rebuilding our land’s natural resources.

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